Sunday, July 8, 2012

Jen & Rob.

What can I say about Jen & Rob?  I love them.  I don't get to see them hardly ever.  How can you love someone you don't see all the time?   Right?  The bond was solidified early on, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for them.  They accepted me as one of Christie's friends without any pre or post judgement.  If you know me, this is a huge relief off my mind.  Here's some history in pictures.

Jen & Rob.  Pretty much how they looked when I met them.  They were the first friends of Christie's that I'd ever met.  They actually went on a double date with us.  A meal I will never forget!

They have a dog named Elvis.  Great little guy.  He's been like a 2nd Rob to me.

We were invited and involved in their big day.  What a killer day it was to!  They looked so good.

Jen has a clone, little Chloe.  She's about as adorable they get!  This is about how I remember them around the time we left AK.

This is them recently.  What a great looking family.

I threw this pic in here because it represents my association to all things good about AK.  The snow, the ice, the view, my best friends, the happiness.

Jen & Rob are definitely at the top of my "life friends" list.  They are beautiful people, both inside and out.  Christie and I are comforted in the fact that they are settled in our favorite spot of the world.  I'm glad of the time we've spent together, glad to have been in that little era.  That pocket of time as Patti Smith says.  We love you Jen & Rob.

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