Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What can I say? I am not a heat kinda person!

Well, I woke up this morning with the craziest swollen eye in a long time.  My first thought was that I'd been bit but I'm guessing just a swollen duct or something. yuck.  Had to wear the glasses today.  I won't bore you with a picture of it.  Instead I'll tell you about this guy I met about a month or so ago. 

It was a super hot, super humid night and I'm waiting for the bus.  The bus is late as usual and this civilian pulls up in his work truck.  I'm grateful that this guy picks me up seeing as it's just way too hot to be hanging outside for too long.  What can I say?  I'm not a heat kinda person!  So I hop in, with another person who was waiting, and notice the excessive amount of tattoos this guy has.  They are all really cool in the fact that you can tell they are his personal preferance at the time and not some massive sketch done around a central theme.  They are awesome!  I pick his brain a little about what he did and where he'd been.  He's an old Mariner that has been all over the world.  Port to port, the hard way.  Too many stories up there.  Pretty cool guy.  So I get to my stop and thank the guy for going out of his way.  When I get off work about 9 hours later, I'm in the same situation.  Stuck at another bus stop in the intense heat and humidity!  The same guy rolls through the bus stop on his way off his shift.  He recognizes me and offers me a lift back to camp.  I pick his brain about his tattoos this time and we talk about mine.  He later buys me a cup of coffee when I was broke.  Good people man, good people.  So, Jason, thanks for being cool to a stranger and for the coffee.  Made my night.

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